About us

Who We Serve... You! Because our customers are wonderful and deserve every happiness. If you don't know ValueCity, then perhaps you are not a store/business owner , or the type of person that shops around for the best deals... Value City is the largest Independent wholesale supplier of household and consumer products in KZN South Africa as well as suppliers / exporters to businesses in Neighboring African Countries . Give us a call, we will gladly assist in helping you set up and stock your business; and if you are a public customer, you will be amazed with the deals you will get by buying direct. TAKE your SAVINGS and YOUR BUSINESS to the next Level. We serve our customers, who are mostly visionary businesses and entrepreneurs who love giving VALUE to their customers. We sell our products at low prices, but offer the best brands - we always have AWESOME deals, and we make sure that our customers get great quality products. Value City sources goods from countries all over the world, but we also promote local brands and South African Suppliers. Value City is the premier Importer / Exporter in Northern KZN. We source the best, so you sell the best...@ the best prices ! This is our vision and commitment to all our wonderful customers. You are wonderful and deserve every happiness. We know that you aren't in business just for the money - though profits are still very important to you. ValueCity and our Customers understand that People and VALUE drive profits, so like you, we strive to keep people first and we make sure we give them great value.